Politik (Was sich ereignet)


Best Description ever

And we read Douglas Muir

A Vietnamese immigrant, brought from that war-torn country as a tiny child.

A baron, the grandson of a princess, who lives in his family’s five-hundred year old castle.

A widow who once worked for the patent office.

A paraplegic.

A huffy gay man.

A former captain of paratroopers.

A mother of seven.

They are…

…Germany’s new conservative Cabinet.


Revolution in Persien

Folgende url erklärt die Revolution als Comic book.


Wir werden berühmt. Als Abstruskos.

Also ich nenne das das Josef Fritzl Syndrom. Wir werden berühmt, weil sich bei uns irgend etwas fürchterliches Abgespielt hat; die Bevölerung hat mit dem was --- die da --- tun nie wirklich etwas zu tun, niemand ist nix gewesen, und der Strache führt sich dann wieder auf. Und die Bundesregierung erscheint als ein steinernes Merkmal ihrer eigenen Unfähigkeit.
Warum sollen denn wir was tun? Wo wir doch eh alle so nett sind? Und überhaupt nichts damit zu tun haben? Wir sind ja nur die Bundesregierung!

Also: Aus der indiatimes (!!!)

Visiting India Sikh guru dies after gurdwara shooting in Austria

VIENNA: An Indian Sikh guru, one of the two visiting religious preachers shot during a violent clash between two groups of the community at a
gurdwara here, succumbed to his injuries midnight last night.

The guru, Sant Rama Nand, 57, who was injured after Sikh followers clashed with knives and a pistol at a gurdwara in Vienna's 15th district yesterday, in which nearly 30 people were injured, died of his wounds in the hospital, police said.

"The doctor was initially satisfied with the condition of the injured after an emergency operation. However, he lost consciousness and died shortly after midnight," a spokesperson told the media today.

However, the condition of the other visiting guru, 66- year-old Sant Niranjan Dass is said to be stable after doctors performed an emergency operation, he said. The two belonged to the Shri Guru Ravidas Sabha movement.

Some 3,000 Sikhs live in Austria. Meanwhile, Indian authorities clamped curfew and army called out in Jalandhar after violence erupted and protestors resorted to arson last night in the Punjab town, following the clash in the Austrian capital.

In fact, the fight erupted yesterday following a dispute over the sermon given by one of the two Sikh gurus.

Soon after at least six men, one wielding a gun and the others knives, attacked the preacher as others rushed to his rescue, resulting in a melee.

The police said that two of the offenders, 45-year-old Tarsem Singh and 28-year-old Satwinder Singh, who were injured in the clash, have been discharged from the hospital and are in custody. Four other suspects have also been arrested.

A spokesperson had yesterday described the scene at the temple like "a battlefield".

About 400 people were at the service when the fight broke out in the temple. Four ambulances and three medical helicopters were pressed into service to transport the victims to hospitals.

Wir lösen einen religiösen Bürgerkrieg aus. In Indien. Kein Witz

The BBC reports:
Riots have broken out in almost all towns and cities in the Indian state of Punjab after a Sikh guru was killed by a rival group in a temple in Austria.
Thousands of angry protesters have taken to streets, damaging public property and setting trains on fire.
At least four people were injured when police opened fire at protesters who attacked a police station in Jalandhar.
The army has marched through the streets of Jalandhar city and a curfew is in place in four major towns.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has appealed for calm.
Guru Sant Ramanand was attacked on Sunday in Vienna - during clashes at a religious ceremony - by six men armed with knives and a pistol.
He succumbed to his wounds in hospital early Monday.
Another preacher Sant Nirajnan Das, who was among 15 other people injured, is said to be stable.
Both the preachers were from a low-caste Sikh sect which has a large following in parts of Punjab and had travelled to Vienna to conduct a special service.
The BBC's Sanjoy Majumder, in Delhi, says several high caste Sikh groups had apparently opposed his presence and threatened violence.



Everybody is twittering,
no me
I'm only facebooking.


A pro pos vergleichsweise geht es uns nicht schlecht

BBC NEWS | Africa | Zimbabwe PM pledges 'new chapter':

Zimbabwe's new Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, has vowed to stabilise the country's shattered economy and end political violence.

The former opposition leader addressed thousands of cheering supporters after being sworn-in under a power-sharing deal with President Robert Mugabe.

Mr Mugabe, who administered the oath to his long-standing rival, has promised to co-operate in the unity government.

Zimbabwe faces rampant inflation, a cholera epidemic and 90% unemployment.

And again:
  1. rampant inflation
  2. a cholera epidemic
  3. 90% unemployment


Wir werden frieren ...

Die Russen haben beschlossen, dass es kein Gas mehr gibt; als Bewohner einer mit einer Gasetagenheizung beheizten Wohnung muss ich sagen, dass ich dass mehr ein ein wenig unnett finde; es ist schon katastrophal genug, dass ich bei den Preisen heizen muss, aber dass ich möglicher Weise bald nicht mehr heizen können werden ist ...
... keine gute Neuigkeit.
Wirklich nicht.
Die short story ist, dass die Ukraine ihre Rechnungen nicht bezahlt hat, und Moskau beschlossen hat, dass das nicht nett ist. Die Ukariner haben ihren Moskau freundlichen Präsidenten abgewählt, und eine alternative Regierung eingesetzt. Was Moskau nicht lustig fand. Die sind nehmlich der Ansicht, dass sie diejenigen sind, die dort dass sagen haben; die Ukraine war ja bis 19989 ein Teil der Sowietunion. Und jetzt ist Russland nur noch Russland, und das findet Russland nicht wirklich lustig.
Also gibt es kein Gas mehr.


Wie erfolgreich war die französische EU Ratspräsidentschaft?

Inmitten aller Versuche uns vor unseren EU Komitgliedern lächerlich zu machen, können wir gelegentlich auch versuchen mal was ernstes herauszufinden?
Also zum Beispiel:
Wie erfolgreich war die französische EU Präsidentschaft?
Der französische Präsident Sarkozy hat sich einige Mühe gegeben:
Die BBC scheint seinen Bemühungen durchaus positiv gegenüberzustehen:
Sarkozy's big EU ambitions
On 1 July the French took over Europe with fanfare and flummery, the Eiffel Tower was bathed in blue, the EU's gold stars projected on this symbol of France. French President Nicolas Sarkozy

And President Nicolas Sarkozy, the new President of the Council, proceeded to impose his frenetic style on an organisation used to a more leisurely pace. Today he is giving a final speech in this role to the European Parliament in Strasbourg. I doubt he will manage undue modesty.


Crisis? What Crisis? (Edition: Peer Steinbrück sollte schnellstmöglich die Gelegenheit erhalten mehr Zeit mit seiner Familie zu verbringen. S e h r v i e l m e h r . )

Der englische Premieminister James Callaghan sagte 1979, als England in von Streiks und ökonomischem Chaos zerrüttet wurde:

“ Well, that's a judgment that you are making. I promise you that if you look at it from outside, and perhaps you're taking rather a parochial view at the moment, I don't think that other people in the world would share the view that there is mounting chaos. ”

Die britische Tageszeitung The Sun fasste das zuammen; besser und kürzer als es Callaghan je gekonnt hätte:

Crisis? What Crisis?

Tja; die die dieses Blog lesen wissen ja, wie schlecht es uns geht, und werden über den Stand des ökonomischen Desasters in regelmäßigen Abständen informiert werden:

Der Deutsche Finanzminister Peer Steinbrück gibt Newsweek ein interview:

It's the yearning for the Great Rescue Plan. It doesn't exist. It doesn't exist! Dealing with an unprecedented crisis is a puzzle, a trial-and-error.

Trottel; der Plan die Welt zu retten existiert; Keynes General Theory aus dem Jahre 1936 ist seit ihrer Publikation allgemein als das Mittel um mit einer Situation wie der, in welcher wir uns befinden umzugehen.

Honestly, I don't know. I tend to be skeptical because it is human nature to see the crisis as even worse than it is.

Ich bin mir sicher die zehntausenden Arbeitslosen, die wir haben übertreiben.

I don't want to downplay anything;

Aber nicht doch.

2009 looks like it will be a very difficult year.

Vor allem für ihm; wie lange noch, bis er arbeitlos wird? 24h tops!!!

But we are not about to collapse.

Jaja, nocheinmal Callaghan:

I don't think that other people in the world would share the view that there is mounting chaos.

Cirsis? What Crisis?
Aber: Hoffnung is on the way:

Paul Krugman:

December 11, 2008, 5:58 am
The economic consequences of Herr Steinbrueck

There’s an extraordinary — and extraordinarily depressing — interview in Newsweek with Peer Steinbrueck, the Germany finance minister. The world economy is in a terrifying nosedive, visible everywhere. Yet Mr. Steinbrueck is standing firm against any extraordinary fiscal measures, and denounces Gordon Brown for his “crass Keynesianism.”

You might ask why we should care. Germany’s economy is the biggest in Europe, but even so it only accounts for about a fifth of EU GDP, and it’s only about a quarter the size of the US economy. So how much does German intransigence matter?

The answer is that the nature of the crisis, combined with the high degree of European economic integration, gives Germany a special strategic role right now — and Mr. Steinbrueck is therefore doing a remarkable amount of damage.

Here’s the issue: we’re rapidly heading toward a world in which monetary policy has little or no traction: T-bill rates in the US are already zero, and near-zero rate will prevail in the euro zone quite soon. Fiscal policy is all that’s left. But in Europe it’s very hard to do a fiscal expansion unless it’s coordinated.

The reason is that the European economy is so integrated: European countries on average spend around a quarter of their GDP on imports from each other. Since imports tend to rise or fall faster than GDP during a business cycle, this probably means that something like 40 percent of any change in final demand “leaks” across borders within Europe. As a result, the multiplier on fiscal policy within any given European country is much less than the multiplier on a coordinated fiscal expansion. And that in turn means that the tradeoff between deficits and supporting the economy in a time of trouble is much less favorable for any one European country than for Europe as a whole.

It is, in short, a classic example of the kind of situation in which policy coordination is essential — but you won’t get coordination if policymakers in the biggest European economy refuse to go along.

And if Germany prevents an effective European response, this adds significantly to the severity of the global downturn.

In short, there’s a huge multiplier effect at work; unfortunately, what it’s doing is multiplying the impact of the current German government’s boneheadedness.


Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast

Ach ja, für die, die es interssiert;
mehr über die republikanische Kandidation für das Amt der Vize Präsidentin

Bradford (yes, his real name) berichted:

Republican Circular Firing Squad of Flying Attack Monkeys

It's ugly in there:

Highlights: Newsweek's Special Election Project | Newsweek Politics: Campaign 2008 | Newsweek.com: NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin, McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy three suits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost. An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.

A Palin aide said: "Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin."

McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign, and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak along with McCain at his Arizona concession speech Tuesday night, but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request.

eines ist das sein

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